Portraits of Giving

Annual Report 2020-2021

collage of portraits featuring FIT alumni, faculty, donors, students
At FIT, we like to balance the demands of the moment with visions of the future. The next, the new, the not-quite-yet-but-can’t-you-just-imagine? These are the kinds of things that inspire our community to conjure, to dream, to act.

But even dreamers must face the harsh realities of the present moment: a pandemic that drags on. The painful loss of people we loved. The world in turmoil. And the helpless frustration that results when, for so many students, there’s just not enough money to keep dreams afloat.

So we’ve put our unconventional minds to the task of getting real: defining the most critical needs of our students, faculty, and institution, and creating the most practical and inventive ways to help, heal, and support. On an institutional level, our goal is to ensure FIT’s future as a world-class college. Our strategies? Giving faculty the resources they need to bring innovation into the classroom. Preparing students to become leaders of the creative economy. And coming together to bring transformative invention into the marketplace.

Of course, we can only make these things happen with a little help from our friends. Here we recognize generous supporters who see FIT with clear eyes and meet institutional needs with open hands. We’re finding new ways to share connections, build community, and foster collaborations. We’re grateful to those with means, who contribute … and then contribute more. We’re just as appreciative of those who donate what they can with love, knowing grassroots giving grows great things. Still others establish memorial scholarships, keeping names and good deeds alive, while benefiting generations of students. Over the course of these hard years, all of us at FIT have come to learn that the ways to give are many—and the need to give is eternal and essential.

In these pages we celebrate some of FIT’s best friends and helpers: individuals and businesses whose contributions make the rough times easier. And you’ll hear from some of the talented people who have gratefully experienced the kindness of strangers. All of which just goes to prove that the act of giving is the best way to keep dreams alive.